"Two topical Studies" - State of Tamilnadu now......and hope!!

Marcel Duchamp the French sculptor and painter.....who incidentally seemed to have played chess and attained Master's title in 1920's.....wrote: "Chess can be described as the movement of pieces eating one another"!

How true!

The only piece which cannot be 'eaten' is the King.....a symbolic concession given to this majestic game not to let it go barren...

.....and Chess, as many in the past have said, is an imitation of life....in all ways! Every game is an incident.....a phase......a chapter.....as in life....

Here is a political parallel....!

A study by Janish in 1850.....is depicting the state of Tamilnadu today!

In the above position, the Black King depicts the hapless state of the 'common man'......surrounded by......
......who looted everything and trapped him shutting all the doors.....one by one.....

1. f3 gf3

2. ed3 cd

3.Bf5 ef5

4.Rd4 cd4

5.a8=B Bd5

6. Re6 de6

7. Bd5 ed5

8. Nf6 gf6

9. Qe5 fe5

10. Nd6 #

A perfect coup......

.....and the hope lies in.....cornering the perpetrator.......

1. Bb6! bc6

2. Bc5! cd5

3. Bd4! de4

4. Be3! ef3

5. Bf1!! #

Checkmating the perpetrator, by making them shut the doors and dig their own grave!!


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