
Showing posts from February, 2017 may come and men may go....

For men may come and men may go But I go on for ever.... - Tennyson   Could there be a better allusion to Shri.Dakshninamurthy Sir .......and what he meant to us....all the Chennai based Chess players..... with the exception of Vishy, perhaps..... .....than  Lord Tennyson's fond reference to the Brook : the dwelling place for birds, for .......his house in Govindu Street, T.Nagar, Chennai ......was a brook.....which bred many chessplayers.....a few Grand Masters..... and was a place of reverie for many.....who just came to be with him....revel and keep coming..... .....few almost lived there......! A a it all......always flowing....takes nothing And this brook was flowing in his grand love for the game......generosity.....towards chess lovers..... To this brook.... ......some came for stealing joy of chess.......playing, reading....and learning..... .....and some.... Yet, "The Brook"..., took noth...

"Two topical Studies" - State of Tamilnadu now......and hope!!

Marcel Duchamp the French sculptor and painter.....who incidentally seemed to have played chess and attained Master's title in 1920's.....wrote: " Chess can be described as the movement of pieces eating one another "! How true! The only piece which cannot be 'eaten' is the King.....a symbolic concession given to this majestic game not to let it go barren... .....and Chess, as many in the past have said, is an imitation of all ways! Every game is an incident.....a phase......a in life.... Here is a political parallel....! A study by Janish in depicting the state of Tamilnadu today! In the above position, the Black King depicts the hapless state of the 'common man '......surrounded by...... ......who looted everything and trapped him shutting all the by one..... 1. f3 gf3 2. ed3 cd 3.Bf5 ef5 4.Rd4 cd4 5.a8=B Bd5 6. Re6 de... Chess!?

" Part of normal human development is learning to notice less than we are able to. The world is awash in details of color, form, sound - but to function, we have to ignore some of it.....Yet, the world still holds those details. Children sense the world at a different granularity; attending to parts of the visual world we gloss over,; to sounds we have dismissed as irrelevant. What is indiscernible to us is plain to them.... " - Alexandra Horowitz (On looking) Well, " looking ", " observing ", " perceiving "....are the keyholes of any act of creation. These terms are diverse and deep in what they mean to us....different people.....and at different times and situations! Trying to understand them on face value.....reducing them to merely what they mean as per the definition, in the act of creation, will be a gross injustice that we do to what we try to create....or simply create! In most of the cases, when we create or describe a creati...