Does Vishy really need another 'title' to prove.....!?

"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them....!" - William Shakespeare

Every time.... the time comes to determine who will compete for the title of Championship of the World, since the time he became one....eons back.....Vishy had been a force to reckon with!

Since the time he passed it on to the next generation....after all it has to happen one day....there has been murmurs about - not only "will he again...." - but also the lame and rubbish question of "will he retire"....

Why, why should he..... and what right these murmurers have, to raise that question...even under the garb'age of freedom of expression....

Forget about the brilliance and greatness of the games that he produced in all these years.....Do the doubters know the amount of passion for this great game that lies behind this career spanning 39 years since inception..... Do the doubters realise the amount of phenomenal work that has gone behind this rise to the top and remaining there for decades!?

Do they realise the WEIGHT of his these doubters really know what it means to reach that dizzy height and what it means to have stayed amongst the top bracket of players for more than a decade.  Have they seen his rating chart which....incidentally was fluctuating.....yes fluctuating.....but in a narrow corridor of 2775 to 2817 for a decade!! He touched 2800 plus in 2006 and was close to that 2800 mark even by 2016 Feb.....till that rare dismal show in Gibraltar where he dropped 21 ELO's!

Well, Vishy does not have any necessity to prove to this world that he is great and plausibly one of the greatest chess players....if not for anything, for his sheer refusal to drop from that top layer and.... to raise back, every-time, when he occasionally dropped!

Everybody.....including Vishy knows that....'that one day' will come when one has to concede the position to a successor......Everybody.....including Vishy knows that a day will come when one has to start doing something else...other than pushing woods on the 64 squares.....
And everybody......including Vishy knows that....that 'that one day' will also come....BUT

.....nobody, NOBODY can take away or erase the history....EONS from now; if at all this great game survives the engine rape; the timeline 1995 to --------- till that day Vishy decides  "IT IS ENOUGH"..... will be imprint with the name "VISWANATHAN ANAND" in bold letters!

And, Vishy as long as he decides 'that' when, will be a truly great force to reckon with and those who think otherwise....are not wise and would do so only at their peril!

All that Anand needs is to letgo himself of all that crap about what has not worked well in the past few years......all that crap abouts 'mistakes creeping in'.....  For, History of Chess is replete with flaws and was it not great Tal who said..."errors are not good for a game of Chess; but errors are unavoidable and in any case a game without error or as they say 'flawless game' is colorless"!

Perhaps....Vishy not need to do anything to regain his.....for all that it needs to regain is already there within him....And it has been with him all the while....only that he may have forgotten that....only that his other thoughts may have veiled it!

Perhaps, all that he need to do is just to rediscover himself.....just to reinforce and reposit the belief in his natural ability to thrive in any position.... under any circumstances. Perhaps....the engine may have done some damage to the way he perceived chess....but it cannot take away his natural instincts..... the innate ability.... and certainly not his greatness!

Who knows....!

Meanwhile......while the doubter remain......let us wait.....!

Let the games begin!


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