King hunt

"Painting is silent poetry and 
poetry is the painting that speaks" - Plutarch

KING HUNT and that is what we call for what we will witness just now, but..... is not the word 'hunt' reserved for something wild and spontaneous....!

....and if this is a poetry, it was not silent and if this is a painting, it was not out of the wild either....!

Even my primitive database gives the following as "the opening position" - by which phrase what I mean is a virgin position.

We Yi - Bruzon Batista Lazaro; Danzhou Super GM - 3.7.2015!

Now, in 2008, White played 21.Bb6?! here with the intention of undermining that Rook on d7 and Black got swayed and ducked with 21....Qc8?  With limited access to the central squares for the White pieces and no serious action on the Kingside, Black could have just 'fallen' into White's trap and emerged as a tormentor!

Obviously, team We Yi would have stripped this position bare and must have zeroed in on......


......aiming for something at a smaller scale which would give him enough feel for the position so as to generate ideas further, as the moves unfurl.

In the process, the dolly 21.....Nd5?? would have been calculated upto a few mating patterns where the Black King would be taken on a palanquin - handcuffed - into the areas that he is not used to seeing before most of the men disappear from the board!

If not the position after 36.Be1; at least the position after 31.Qd3 (below) would have appeared on the board in We Yi's study room!

Nothing wrong, and full credits to this 'boy wonder'! But all that it gives is a vital one point, but what was missing in this "Spectacular King-hunt" was the splendor of adventure....treading on unknown paths with dangers lurking here and there, sidestepping landmines, pitfalls.....

....I would have loved to see this as an variation in the game...."if Black plays 21.....Nd5?? then...."

Now, it looks like a print copy of the painting - that original which you painted and completed after repeatedly changing the hues to suit.....

.....not the one that you paint spontaneously!

By the way, as I was looking at this game - with an eye on that Black Rook on d7, which, despite being the top choice, looked more like an inviting whore - I stumbled upon this following beauty (which incidentally resided in a cute variation)!

Fabiano Caruana - Krishnan Sasikiran, Corus; 2009

This position arose out of a very reasonable position till a couple of moves back when the Black Queen was on c7; and the pawn was on g7 instead of g6.

In this original position, Black, temporarily oblivious to the self inflicted vulnerability of his King-side, embarked on some serious action in the center....


Forget the options that were available for Black, my aim is to see some 'lures' which tempt the players! Sasi being an active player, the lure probably was his very desire for activity and aggression...., the presence of the Rook and Bishop in forking distance was only an alibi!

20.f5!! de4; 21.fg6!!

A picturesque position!!  Three of White's pieces are hanging and yet....!


The naive 21......ef3?? runs into 22.Qh7!! Nh7; 23.gh7 Kf8; 24.h8=Queen ##

22.Rf6 Rd4; 23.Rf7 Bh4; 24.Be2!

And White obtained an overwhelming position and won the game.

We Yi's Kinghunt looked very good, but the Black King probably was slayed in the backyard....slaughterhouse.... and not on the battlefield!! 


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