King hunt

" Painting is silent poetry and poetry is the painting that speaks" - Plutarch KING HUNT and that is what we call for what we will witness just now, but..... is not the word ' hunt ' reserved for something wild and spontaneous....! ....and if this is a poetry, it was not silent and if this is a painting, it was not out of the wild either....! Even my primitive database gives the following as "the opening position" - by which phrase what I mean is a virgin position . We Yi - Bruzon Batista Lazaro; Danzhou Super GM - 3.7.2015! Now, in 2008, White played 21.Bb6?! here with the intention of undermining that Rook on d7 and Black got swayed and ducked with 21....Qc8? With limited access to the central squares for the White pieces and no serious action on the Kingside, Black could have just 'fallen' into White's trap and emerged as a tormentor! Obviously, team We Yi would have stripped this position bare and must have zeroed in o...