Walter Browne: "A poetry in motion...till he breathed his last"

"A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time....for, the fear of death follows from the fear of life!" - Mark Twain

....sixties is not the age to the cliche goes... but tell me, is there really an age to die!?
All that matters is.... how you live and how you die....and it never was "when"!

Mr.Browne, you died the way you played.....spectacularly.....spectacular in its lack of thud and pomp....spectacular in its deceptive silence...

It was truly a great delight to read and his fabulous book "The Stress of Chess.... and its infinite finesse"

In tribute to that departed genius.... a few lines of poetry that he created over the board: they are not finishes....but great finesses - and I shall not taint it with words...and explanation....!

Semen Furman - WB, 1975


WB - Ljubomir Ljubojevic, 1978


WB - Helgi Olafsson, 1980


WB - Arthur Bisguier, 1974

14.Bh6!! Rg8; 15.Re5 Qd7; 16.Rae1 Be6


And now for a few incredible Knight moves!

WB, Igor Ivanov, 1995

19.Nd2!! f5; 20.Qg3 f6; 21.Nf3 Rg8


WB - Anthony Miles, 1978


The beauty of the moves, probably would have lessened the pain that it inflicted on your opponents.... by its sheer beauty and quiescent nature!

Everyone does not get such a departure..... Rest in peace....Sir!


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