Chess Olympiad - Tromso: "Off the board"

"Off the board" - reading their thoughts!? 

Thought of writing on the recently concluded Olympiad and its moments, under the broad heading "Off the board"!

Before getting into writing about the historic medal winning performance by our young lion hearted boys, thought of reading the thought of certain faces - starting with this fabulous shot by the official photographer in Trompso.

This is hell of a way to distract your opponent from concentrating on the position on board! 


Can horror strike so early!?  
1) e4 d6; 2) d4 Nf6 and she is horrified at white's third move (which is out of frame for us!)

How about this one for a pose!?

Is that denoting a knight move!?

Certainly not about the handshake!

Flank attack!!!

....and what do they see!!?


Mouth watering position!?


'Enticing' move!


Has she stumbled into this place by chance!?


She is definitely her thoughts!

Off the board - literally!!!


Dragged into the fight - literally!


Murderous move (mood!?)

Pissed off - let me not take chances with him!!

Oh! he definitely can sit straight!!

Can that be a chess players expression!?


I would have been better of.....


First move seekers!!


On board (bored!?) 


For a change, he is teaching on 'seeing' something off the board!!

Let me not take chances with him...certainly!


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