
Showing posts from August, 2014

Chess Olympiad - India amongst medals, creating history!

  Glory is like a circle in the water, Which never ceaseth to enlarge itself, Till by broad spreading it disperses to naught.                                                                                                          -  William Shakespeare   " Men at sometime, are the masters of their fate " said William Shakespeare!  This Indian Chess team glorified this "sometime" of their collective living - thriving in the cold o...

Chess Olympiad - Tromso: "Off the board"

" Off the board" - reading their thoughts!?   Thought of writing on the recently concluded Olympiad and its moments, under the broad heading " Off the board "! Before getting into writing about the historic medal winning performance by our young lion hearted boys, thought of reading the thought of certain faces - starting with this fabulous shot by the official photographer in Trompso. This is hell of a way to distract your opponent from concentrating on the position on board!  ___________ Can horror strike so early!?   1) e4 d6; 2) d4 Nf6 and she is horrified at white's third move (which is out of frame for us!) ___________ How about this one for a pose!? ___________ Is that denoting a knight move!? ___________ Certainly not about the handshake! ___________ Flank attack!!! ___________ ....and what do they see!!? ___________ ...