Patterns in the art of Chess

Nature uses only longest threads to weave her patterns, so that each small piece of her fabric reveals the organisation of the entire tapestry - Richard Feynman This article springs from the passion exuded by a young kid - Sai Akhil Anand - and his quest for discovering patterns (and express them as wonderful paintings) in almost everything that he sees and comes across even in his tender age! His world revolves around Hemchand sequence (otherwise known as Fibonacci sequence ), Sierpenski triangle, Golden ratio, Fractals .... so on and so forth and his canvas encompasses a vast arena ......from the trail of snail on the floor to the trail a rocket leaves on the stratosphere! Patterns are wonderful and enhances creativity, as long as it is used like we use salt in our food - nothing more nothing less! Patterns act as catalyst in the process of understanding the art and showcasing it by enhancing the creativity of the artist in his or her own unique way! " Our humanity rests upo...