Falling into opponent's plan! Anand vs MVL and more....
Times Correspondent: " Why do good players lose ?" Answer (Tartakover): " The board is full of mistakes, waiting to be made " As the saying goes, good positions do not lead to a win, rather good moves lead to a win ! To play good moves consistently is the supreme talent which only great players possess - you have only handful in the history of Chess! They too are not immune to mistakes....but commit them on very few occasions compared to others. It is something similar to this assumption: if in Tennis or Shuttle Badminton or in Table Tennis, if a player is capable of putting the ball (or shuttle cock) into the other side of the net, successfully returning it, then he would never lose. It never happens! So..... in Chess! Playing good moves consistently is almost imposible even for the greatest! Then comes the most intriguing question, What is a good move? It is hard to define a good move as it is highly subjective. Suffice to say, a move is good if it sufficiently c...