Quantum Chess!
" And it's then, with immense clarity of vision, that I see how easy it would be to remove myself from this tedium (of life) if I just had the strength truly to want to do so " - Fernando Pessoa The great Portugal thinker further added.... " Those of us - be we geniuses or beggars - who do not know how to want in our shard impotence.... " " Shared impotence "...... impotence ..., which is wrongly assumed as ' importance ' a phonetic error perhaps, which lead humanity to struggle under delusion! Every one in this world, assume an identity - a condition which imposes further conditions - based on which humans act at every moment and do whatever they do, assuming a false certainty in a world which is full of chaos and where chaos rules order and..... perhaps, an order lies underneath the chaos! Frank Wilczek - a nobel laureate quantum physicist - began is wonderful book with these words: " The Universe is not what it used to be, nor what it...