"One badly placed piece, and the entire game is bad" - A perspective on MVL vs Levon
"It seems to be a rule of wisdom, never to rely on your memory alone.... to bring the past for judgment into the thousand-eyed present, but to live ever in a new day" - Ralp Waldo Emerson Yuri Levovich Averbakh, the great Russian endgame master, wrote: " Blumenfeld drew my attention to the psychological aspect of chess. He emphasised that Chess was played by people, each with their own character and cast of mind, with different virtues and defects. In the struggle at the Chessboard, one must learn to exploit all this, one must be able to create those situations in which your skills and talent display themselves to a greater degree than the skill and talent of the opponent ." He further observed, " I should mention that the protracted work on the endgame that I did, had an adverse affect on my further chess successes ." Chess over the past two decades, got a overdose of everything. Players indulge in overworking positions, by habit (especially off the bo...