Simple Chess in a profound way! - Carlsen in Stavanger 2020

தெளிவுறவே அறிந்திடுதல்; தெளிவு தர மொழிந்திடுதல் சிந்திப் பார்க்கே ஆனந்தக் கனவு பல காட்டல் - பாரதியார் The great Tamil poet Bharathiyar says....." learn and understand with great clarity; then convey what you understood in clear manner; only to those who think deeply and uniquely would realise great dreams "! An artist, whomsoever he or she may be, needs the above...whatever be is the field of art. One has to understand the art deeply in their own unique way, and only then they would be able to let their unique art manifest through their action. Chess is an art ......and the art is to express yourself in the most simple manner! In Faust, Wolfgang von Goethe exclaims....thus " Ah! Now I've done Philosophy I've finished Law and Medicine, And sadly even Theology; Taken fierce pains, from end to end, Now here I am, a fool for sure! No wiser than I was before .... " Faust is an expression of Goethe's impression about humanity, its grandeur and foibles...