Chess and Corona: Quarantine distancing.....

"To be content with little is not true culture, but to be free from little or from much is" - J.Krishnamurti " FEBRUARY SEVENTEENTH WAS A FATEFUL DAY FOR SAM FLEMMING. Sam considered himself an extremely lucky person. As a broker for one of the major Wall Street firms, he'd become wealthy by the age of forty-six. Then, like a gambler who knew when to quit, Sam had taken his earnings and fled north from the concrete canyons of New York to idyllic Bartlet, Vermont. There he'd begun to do what he'd always wanted to do: paint. Part of Sam's good fortune had always been his health, yet at half past four on February Seventeenth, something strange began to happen. Numerous water molecules within many of his cells began to split apart into two fragments: a relatively inoffensive hydrogen atom and a highly reactive, viciously destructive hydroxyl free radical. The hydroxyl free radicals began to nibble away at the core of Sam Flemming's b...