Consciousness, awareness, in Chess

"Consciousness is a multi-dimensional affair" - Arthur Koestler A game of chess is a constant struggle between the apparent and the hidden. There is always something which falls under the visible range, as the game progresses..... move by move.... .....and there is always something hidden! And Chess owes a great deal to this hidden aspect..... for its existence.... There are two types of "mistakes" that happen in a Chess game: overestimation and underestimation not only about the position but of the possibilities too - both one's own and opponents. Rojahn, Ernst - Czerniak, Moshe; Olympiad, 1939 White is enjoying a considerable advantage due to unduly risky handling of opening by Black......who incidentally is also a very good player who even held the great Cuban in the same Olympiad! As Alekhine noted in his book "107 great chess battles", 12.c3! followed by Be4 would have consolidated the advantage for White. Rojahn...