SPACE..... S p a c e .... ... .. .

" Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom " - Viktor Frankl The most intriguing aspect of this universe is the Space . And it is also the most misunderstood ........ Thatyouareabletoreadthissentenceclearlyisbecauseoftheinterludesthespacebetweenthewordsandthesentenceandthepara.... Human mind is trained to think materially: In language it looks for words In music it looks for the notes In everything it looks for something tangible.... Mind fails to comprehend the phenomenon.... the hidden force behind everything, which makes everything move or allow to remain. Mind does not recognise that which is intangible. In Chess.....the mind, more often than not, gets fixated with material: either it fails to perceive the loss of it or fail to let-go-off when it is necessary. Holding on to unnecessary material leaves one with less space for mani...