"Leveraging" a lever!: h6....h3....a3 - A perspective from C Aravindh vs SL Narayanan's game

" In Chess, human intelligence achieves a creativity which cannot be explained away in terms of conditioned reflexes or the formation of habits. Mental habits and memory are elements in the Chess mind as a knowledge of his language is part of the equipment of an orator, or as a technique is essential to the musician. Beyond that equipment training ends, and the mind creates from its own resources and material. What a good chess player does is comparable, as a mental act, to what the inventor does, be he a scientist or a poet; an act of free imagination, which changes its own surroundings by the revelation of latent possibilities ." - Gerald Abrahams The language used for the title in itself is quite controversial.....the usage of "leveraging"....using the term Lever as a verb! Yet.....everything else in this world, the language should also be 'malleable' .....accommodative.....after all a language is a mere tool to communicate .....and it i...