William Lombardy (4.12.1937 - 14.10.2017) - Fischer's only Chess teacher!!

"After reading every article of Bill, I always get the feeling that I actually learned something.....that I had broadened my understanding of Chess." - Kevin Spraggett Bill or William Lombardy would be remembered - if not for anything - his book titled " Understanding Chess - My System, my games, my life ". If you have not read that.....you miss something...... He was a very unconventional teacher.....and his postulates defied conventional wisdom....and stood on their own merit.... rebellious !! .....a few of them.... " Castling is to be considered a waste of time, wrongly expended when there is almost always something more important to achieve! Thus castling is a passive move that nurtures the hope of King safety !" " Analysis is not Chess. It is an emergency condition by which we solve immediate problems during a game of Chess....analysis is overrated " " All weaknesses can be improved or transformed. The experienced...