MVL - Vishy: Sinquefield, 2016.....and a bit more!

" The film artist's job was to learn his principles from a profound investigation of all arts and all levels of life, to measure these principles against an unfaltering understanding of himself, and if he then did anything less than create - with bold, living works that moved their audiences to excitement and understanding - he was neither good artist not positive member of society. " - Jay Leyda The strong words are that of the American film maker - who lived in first three quarters of the last century - on introducing the works of the great Russian filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein. Will there ever be a second opinion on that....!? Filmmaking is for the audience and if it does not reach....regale and enrich them....then what for!? .....but, a filmmaker should never forget that he is primarily an artist.....and what he creates is an expression of himself....he pours him into his creation....flows with his inner urge, instincts....and with the times that he lives in......