Forcing moves....unforced errors!

" .....there are a number of general problem-solving techniques, which mathematicians use all the time but seldom articulate ." - George Polya What that great mathematician said is true not only for maths....but in chess too! By problem solving, it should not be wrongly construed that it is a tactical exercise....even solving a positional problem is problem solving....tactics are mere device which executes a sequence of moves which results out of positional considerations...preponderance. Polya further devised a way to approach the mathematical problem, which he called heuristic strategy . He divided the heuristic strategy into four parts: understanding the problem trying to use experience from related problems to plan an attack carry out the attack. And finally.... ask yourself whether you really believe the answer you've got Mathematics is a vast space, unlike chess....Chess in not infinite.....yet ....what Polya listed applies in Chess too! Man...