Vishy - So: A trigger!

"..... then, you should say what you mean ," the March Hare went on. " I do ," Alice hastily replied: " at least I mean what I say ." - Lewis Carroll The position that occurred in Vishy - So game yesterday in Bilbao. 14.Nc3 A novelty on the 14th move - unless one chooses to play an obscure setup - in itself is a novelty these days! In an earlier experiment in this position, L'Ami tried 14.Qf2?! against Volokitin in 2007 which ended in a disaster for White after 14....Nd4! the annoying move which exposes the weak spots in the White camp 15.Nf3 e5! This move underlines the strength of Black's position and it germinates primarily from the the presence of White's Knight on a4 (the take on d4 deprives of the return journey for that Knight!), whilst opening up the line for the c8-Bishop, and threatening the e4 pawn! 16.Nd4 ......Ng4 was threatened! 16.....Ng4; 17.Qf3 ed4; 18.c5 OO; 19.Rc1 Though...