Coherence....incoherence....imagination - a glimpse

"It is usually thought that the prerequisites of chess creativity are logic, accurate calculation of variations, and technique; the latter including theoretical knowledge. There is a fourth component, however, perhaps the most attractive, although it is often forgotten. I have in mind "intuition", or, if you like, "imagination" - David Bronstein Lu Shanglei - Veselin Topalov, WC, 2015 This opening by Lu, dating back to " Qing Dynasty ", is probably for celebrating the great escape in his first game..... and he managed to survive this too....not so elegantly. What was shocking was the first game between these two! Veselin Topalov - Lu Shanglei - WC, 2015 - Game: 1 A guy who fires even without bullets in his gun, got a loaded AK-47! 23.....Qg2?! When one would have squirmed seeing his previous move 22.....h5, this move would have defied expression! No longer Topalov has AK-47, instead Black has sold him a missile launc...