When draw is not a preferred option...!

" The fact is that from the Renaissance onwards, almost up to our own time, architects have used the same basic forms - columns, pilasters, cornices, entablatures and mouldings, all of which were originally borrowed from classical ruins. It is natural that within such a long period tastes and fashions in building should have varied considerably, and it is convenient to have different labels by which to distinguish these changing styles. It is a strange fact that many of these labels which to us are simply names of styles were originally words of abuse or derision ." ....wrote E.H. Gombrich in his monumental work "The story of Art" ! The audacity of putting the Bishop on a8 square deliberately and have every pawn on that Bishop's colour, and the move such as 20.g4 bear 'those labels'! White: Vladimir Kramnik - Black: Fabiano Caruana This is a new position, as early as 11th move!! ---------- In the game between So Wesley and Shakhriyar (...